Democrats vs Republicans

Both Democrats and Republicans are political party with diffrent views for America such as Marriage, Immigration, Gun Control and Etc.

Democrats Views

Same sex marriage in Democratic view is that it ok to do so but they belive that the government shouldn't have
control and should be left to the states. In Immigration the Democrats belive that they should be allowed to come to the U.S. since
the United States were build from imigrants and that even illigal immigrans should have the change of
becoming a citizen.Democrats belive that a pregnate woman can choose whether or whether not to abort a child

Republican Views

Republicans aggree that there should be a education system that is higher for those who want to.For Immigration
Republicans believe that that people may come but in a legal sense and are divided for what laws to tighten.
The Republican Party believes that everyone should have the right to bear arms and that you can get ammunition without
a license. The Tax should be reduced is what Republicans stongly believe and how people are being over-taxed
with can cause low economic growth.

Sources From
Republican Views